November 2014 is American Diabetes Month
While most of us associate November with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, it's important to recognize that there is actually much more going on over the course of these 30 days, including an important initiative concerning a disabling condition affecting millions of Americans.
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MRI scans may be able to detect chronic fatigue syndrome
Because diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome is so difficult, many people, including some doctors, do not believe it is real. People who feel exhausted no matter how much they try to sleep will seek medical help, but often be told their problems are all in their heads. Despite their symptoms being dismissed as hypochondria, these unfortunate people’s health problems persist until they finally receive the proper diagnosis.
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Are disability benefits an option for those with schizophrenia?
While the exact cause or causes of schizophrenia are unknown, the effects the illness can have on a person's life are certainly well documented. From hallucinations and delusions to memory issues and trouble focusing, those living with schizophrenia -- or helping to care for someone with the illness -- know just how trying the brain disorder can be.
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This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week
There are a large number of individuals in Texas and the rest of the U.S. who have had the misfortune of experiencing a mental illness. Mental illnesses can come in many different shapes and sizes and such illnesses can change a person’s life in a vast number of ways.
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Could a blood test be used to diagnose, monitor clinical depression?
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Texas Legislature to consider 'three-strikes' nursing home law
Most of us associate nursing homes with providing long-term care for the elderly. While this is certainly accurate, it's important to understand that these facilities also care for other types of patients.
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Research shows stroke risk is increasing for young adults
The unfortunate reality is that a stroke can occur virtually anytime, such that a person may feel just fine one minute while the next minute they start experiencing strange symptoms, including slurred speech, loss of vision and general confusion.
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Are researchers getting closer to developing a heart disease vaccine?
Most people are surprised to learn that the leading cause of death for both men and women here in the U.S. is not cancer, but rather heart disease. Indeed, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that roughly 720,000 Americans suffer a heart attack every year, while roughly 600,000 Americans die of heart disease every year.
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Study finds diabetic women at greater risk of heart disease
Ask any medical professional what they believe are the most significant health issues facing Americans today and there is a very good chance that the overwhelming majority will list Type 2 diabetes.
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Study links fruits, vegetables to fewer strokes
While many people discount the danger posed by strokes, believing they can only happen to the very old or the very sick, this is far from the reality. In fact, statistics show that strokes are the fourth leading cause of death here in the U.S. and, perhaps more significantly, one of the primary causes of disability.
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