Dedicated to giving you peace of mind during difficult times

Words can't describe how unnerving and frightening it can be to be diagnosed with a medical condition that will someday leave you incapacitated, or worse, prove to be terminal.

While you will do your best to put on a brave face and go back to work as if nothing is wrong, the reality is that you will undoubtedly experience anxiety about how you will be able to provide for your family when employment is simply no longer possible.

Given the gravity of the circumstances, this wide range of emotions is perfectly understandable. What may help, however, is the knowledge that you do have options when your condition proves to be truly debilitating.

One such option is applying for benefits from the Social Security Disability Insurance program.

While it's important to note that you must satisfy rather exacting qualifications and these SSD benefits will not represent any sort of windfall, they can provide you with much-needed peace of mind about your financial future.

Something else that can give you much-needed peace of mind about the future is knowing that there are highly skilled legal professionals dedicated to helping you secure these disability benefits.

At Reyes & Reyes Law Firm, PLLC, we are committed to helping you understand the Social Security Disability process, find low-income medical clinics and providers in your neighborhood, and guiding you through the entire process for securing disability benefits.

Over the years, our firm has compiled a success rate of 85 percent, something we take great pride in and attribute to a variety of factors, including our attorneys' wealth of experience, our commitment to comprehensive case preparation and our attention to detail.

To learn more about our successful strategy and how we can help you, please visit our website.